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Informatics School 2024: Hexahedral mesh for numerical simulation


The aim of this summer school is to provide an overview of the automatic and semi-automatic methods currently used to generate hexahedral meshes for academic and industrial purposes. Starting from CAD-like geometric models as input data, recently developed practical and theoretical methods for generating and manipulating hexahedral meshes will be presented. In particular, the following points will be addressed:
• An overview of existing (semi-)automatic methods for generating hexahedral meshes with associated quality criteria;
• A focus on different representations and methods for generating orientation fields;
• Notions of global parametrizations and their use in meshing;
• Polycube methods;
• Grid intersection methods.
An important part of the course will be devoted to computer-based practical exercises to manipulate these concepts using various software packages, ranging from understanding concepts such as orientation fields to interactive generation of block-structured meshes, via mesh quality assessment.

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