24 April 2025
Culham Campus
Europe/London timezone

Registration is now open!

We are pleased to invite our current and potential suppliers to UKAEA's 14th Suppliers' Event, which will take place on the 24th April at our Culham Campus!

This event will provide suppliers with an Executive Overview across our major programmes and projects. There will be an opportunity to attend interactive workshops designed to drive innovation and collaboration, explore programme-specific booths, and network with UKAEA representatives as well as professionals from large organisations and SMEs from various sectors.

Confirmed Speakers from UKAEA:

  • Justin Kingsford, Chief Operating Office
  • Paula Barham, Director of Commercial
  • Joe Milnes, Executive Director for Engineering Computing and STEP Partner
  • Simon Peck, Interim UKAEA Group Director of Estates
  • Elizabeth Paris, Chair of Didcot Powerhouse Fund
  • Steve Wheeler, Executive Director for Fusion Technology, Fuel Cycle and ITER Components
  • Zac Scott, Director of JET Decommissioning and Repurposing (JDR)

Participant List

Following feedback, when registering, there will now be an option to tick if you consent to displaying your name and company in our "Participant List". The purpose of this is to allow other delegates to see who is coming to our event so they can plan potential networking opportunities in advance. Please note that for this information to be visible to all delegates, you will need to select the option to display to everyone who can see this event.

You can remove your information from the Participant List at any time by modifying your registration. Please reach out if you have any questions.

This event will be hosted in a hybrid format so you can attend in-person or virtually.

  • In-person tickets can be booked until 10th of April. Please note that tickets are LIMITED to auditorium capacity. Therefore, we kindly ask you only book an in-person ticket if you are certain you will attend (no-shows will be noted.)
  • The virtual tickets can be booked until 22nd of April. Please note that virtual tickets only offer the possibility to watch the presentations online. The networking elements will be available for in-person attendees only.


We cannot wait to welcome you all to what is looking to be a very interesting and informative event!

If you have any questions, please email supplychain@ukaea.uk


Culham Campus
Culham Campus, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, OX14 3DB
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Registration for this event is currently open.