DPU Hackathon 2023


Durham’s Department of Computer Science organises, in collaboration with Durham’s DiRAC facilities and Durham’s ExCALIBUR H&ES installations, a 1.5 day hackathon how to use NVIDIA BlueField technology.

BlueField-empowered systems are supercomputers, where each individual networking card is equipped with additional ARM processors. These processors can, for example, take ownership of data movements between nodes, i.e. release the host from messaging-related work, manipulate message content while the messages fly through the network, own checkpointing, …

Throughout the hybrid workshop, participants first get a brief intro into BlueField technology, and can try out prepared exercises on these machines. After that, we host a series of talks and brainstorming sessions how this technology could enable next-generation simulation software. Finally, NVIDIA’s experts will be available to help with some prototyping of ideas on BlueField cards.

More info / register : https://tobiasweinzierl.webspace.durham.ac.uk/research/workshops/dpu-hackathon-2023

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